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Intraboost Advance - Intra-workout Energy Extender!

Intra-workout Energy Extender!

Intraboost Advance

30 Serves




Beta Alanine



MAX’S IntraBoost Advance is our new and improved Intra-workout formula designed to maximise your training intensity to the end of every workout. It is highly concentrated and contains 8 grams of pure pharmaceutical grade BCAA’S in a 2:1:1 ratio. Based on current Sports Medicine Research this ratio will give enhanced training performance, muscle recovery and protein synthesis. Sip on MAX’S IntraBoost Advance while you train and experience the difference our formula can make.
  • Accelerate Recovery.
  • Maximise Power.
  • Increase Protein Synthesis.
  • Stimulate Nitric Oxide.

Micronised Branched Chain Amino Acid Complex – are the essential amino acids Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine in a 2:1:1 ratio. BCAA's, particularly Leucine, are oxidised to produce cellular energy during hard weight training. They spare carbohydrates to extend your energy reserves and also act as signalling compounds to activate your mTOR protein synthesis during and after training.

Glutamine and Glutamine Peptides – Glutamine is widely acknowledged as the "anti-catabolic" amino acid. It protects your muscles from degradation normally associated with heavy strength training which allows protein synthesis to start sooner to accelerate recovery.

Beta Alanine 1000mg – a non-essential amino acid known to increase carnosine levels in both type 1 and type 2 muscle fibres> The result of this being an increase in the duration you can perform at high workout intensities. Citrulline Malate 1500mg – an amino acid compound formed when citrulline is bound to malic acid. Citrulline Malate increases blood arginine and in turn Nitric Oxide levels. This can lead to increases blood flow, strength and endurance.

Electrolytes are salt ions found in the body that have the important role of maintaining balance of fluids between the intracellular and extracellular environments. Maintaining this balance is important for the following processes; hydration, nerve impulses, muscle function and pH level. Potassium Citrate – found inside cells and forming half of the electrical pump that keeps electrolytes in balance, potassium allows conductivity between cells and is largely important for regulating heartbeat and muscle function. Sodium Chloride - the other half of the electrical pump, sodium is found outside cells and is responsible for controlling the total amount of water in the body. In doing so it helps regulate blood volume and maintains muscle and nerve function. Calcium Chloride – as an electrolyte calcium is critical for transmission of nerve impulses, blood clotting and muscle contraction Magnesium Sulphate – is important in maintaining normal nerve and muscle function, boosting the immune system as well as stable heart rate and blood sugar levels.

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